The Soviet economy didn't just fail. The fall of communism didn't suddenly happen. And the Berlin Wall didn't crumble of its own accord. But our children won't learn the whole truth in school, thanks to the blatantly biased textbooks they study.
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-- James Madison (speech in the House of Representatives, 10 January 1794)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
48 liberal lies about American history (
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12:27 AM
Monday, October 13, 2008
What We Learn From a Play-Money Auction
A play-money auction serves as a good example of what we now face. With the passage of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, the Fed is poised to accelerate the redistribution process at a rate not seen in our lifetime. Those who will be hurt the most, of course, will be those who do not receive the new money.
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11:08 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
"Vandals spray-painted the words 'Republican means slavery'"
What these folks are too stupid to remember is that The Republican party was created to end slavery, did so, and then was instrumental in passing equal rights legislation. The ignorance displayed in such actions is striking.
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10:27 AM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
2006 McCain letter demanded Fannie/Freddie action
Sen. John McCain's 2006 demand for regulatory action on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could have prevented current financial crisis, as HUMAN EVENTS learned from the letter shown in full text below.
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9:16 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008
It is really very simple...
The Government can only do what it does my confiscating the property of others. It creates nothing new, but transfers the property of one to another who it deems more worthy or deserving of said property.
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11:17 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Obama Fascism's Global Reach
"Senator Barack Obama's cult of unity, strength and purity has reached global scale as supporters of his brand of fascism at the highest levels of governmental silence dissent and the free expression of opinion and truth. The march toward global socialism is alive and well and moving forward in the name Obama!"
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10:26 AM
Monday, October 6, 2008
Pope says world financial system 'built on sand'
While I would not go to The holy Father for financial advice, he is spot on here. It would do us all well to spend more time focusing on what is actually important, rather than the passing fancy of limited objects.
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2:56 PM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Right Wing View on Unwanted Pregnancy
I post a lot of very hotly debated topics on my blog and on Face Book because I see a great deal on confusion in them. Consequently we never get past the emotions of any one particular issue which leaves us to make decisions at the ballot box with lacking or faulty information. I know none of us wants to do this, so I try to crate debate and open conversation whenever I can.
Recently a friend asked what I thought, specifically, about the issue of unwanted pregnency. I truely appreciate his candor in the question and was happy to divulge my belifes on the subject, of course backed up with facts.
I do not have his permission to post this, so I will not give his name.
Feel free to add what you think is missing..
"So the right wing view is... "You have to have this severely deformed child no one will adopt and you cannot afford and no, we will not provide any assistance in raising it because it is your own fault because you did not learn about birth control on your own because sex education shouldn't be taught in school and your parents were absent because law makers were influenced by a religion which we are "free" not to subscribe too"? I'm not sure, but sometimes I think I hear this."
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9:01 AM
Labels: abortion, Education, Equality, Federalism, Freedom Government waste, healthcare, JunkScience, Liberty, Life, politics, Science, Special Rights, Supreme Court, Truth
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Zucker: Republican is "the new gay"
I have consistently said that the straight-Christian-white-Conservative-male is the only "group" left who hasn't demanded special treatment from the law and is the only one which can be openly bashed and discriminated against while people laugh on the side-lines. I don't want special treatment here, I just think the hypocrisy is blinding.
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9:12 AM
Labels: Equality, Liberty, Narcissism, Racism, Special Rights
Flexible screen could lead to foldable computers
This is just really friggin' cool!!Researchers have demonstrated a flexible television screen which could result in people folding up their computer and putting it in their pocket.
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12:26 AM
Labels: Free Markets, Science, Technology
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sarah Palin's Style Selling Out!
Honestly, I think this stuff is a little stupid but the market never lies (to the chagrin of many liberals) and tells you where people's heads are. I think you could make an argument that, based on this phenomenon, the election is over.
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1:16 PM
Labels: economics, Election, Free Markets, Fun, Palin, politics