What will Algore and his socialist buddies do now to control our lives? I mean surely there is some way that he can prove that humans must be removed from the planet!!!
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-- James Madison (speech in the House of Representatives, 10 January 1794)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
CO2 Doesn't Cause Global Warming?!?!
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10:47 AM
Labels: Arrogance, communism, economics, environment, Free Markets, global warming, Globalism, Government waste, JunkScience, Narcissism, politics
Friday, July 25, 2008
Does The Majority Truely Rule?
There's nothing inherently noble about a majority of people agreeing on a particular issue. Indeed, bad ideas often prove more popular than good ones. It's only when popular majorities are anchored to the idea of inalienable rights that they're most entitled to our respect. Without that underlying commitment to individualism, majority rule can and frequently will degenerate into the loss of liberty for unpopular minorities. The racist policies of the Jim Crow South, after all, were often extremely popular among white voters.
So before we get too misty over the will of the people of South Dakota, let's remember that James Madison warned us about the tyranny of the majority, not the tyranny of unfettered individual liberty.
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3:36 PM
Labels: abortion, Democracy, Federalism, Founding Fathers, History
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Every child deserves a chance, but does The State have the best formula?
Whether we want to own up to it or not, the welfare state has done what Jim Crow, gross discrimination and poverty could not have done. It has contributed to the breakdown of the black family structure and has helped establish a set of values alien to traditional values of high moral standards, hard work and achievement.
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10:54 AM
Labels: Education, Freedom, Government waste, Racism
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Seize This Opportunity or, please rule my life sirs!!
Yet another example of Government’s well-intentioned control of our lives turning into a dismal failure; the private citizen is a much better guarantor of his well being than some busy-body bureaucrat 100’s of miles away. It makes absolutely no sense to me why someone would advocate that these sorts of duties are better left in the hands of government. Not to mention that in our form of government, and according to the law of the land, this is an absolute violation of the law.What will unfortunately happen here is that the elite mind’s of congress (by the way what exactly qualifies them as experts in finance? Oh yes, they won a popularity contest) will determine that a government entities’ failure is the fault of the free market and that their needs to be more control and oversight by them. I should be so lucky as to gain employment that enshrines in me the wisdom to determine that my failures were actually the fault of my competition. We should throw all of our mortgages in the Boston Bay!!!
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3:34 PM
Labels: Arrogance, Congress, economics, Free Markets, Government waste, Liberty, politics
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Facts are obsolete
Why is it that when otherwise intelligent people begin to engage in the political process they are consistently duped by charlatans and snake-oil salesmen. It blows this citizen's mind that we are unable to utilize our common sense in matters which have such consequence. Thomas Sowell, once again, asks some very important questions.
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11:15 AM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Why a Black Artist Replaced the National Anthem
What Marie did embodied a plethora of leftist ideals and characteristics: Ethical relativism, multiculturalism, the supremacy of feelings, the belief that artists are above normal ethical standards and group victimization.
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Presented for your consideration by
4:43 PM
Labels: America, Arrogance, History, Narcissism, politics
Conservatives for Obama?
What is becoming ever more painfully apparent is that too many people this year-- whether conservative, liberals or whatever-- are all too willing to judge Barack Obama on the basis of his election-year rhetoric, rather than on the record of what he has advocated and done during the past two decades.
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Saturday, July 5, 2008
My passion for party was subdued when I read this...
What do you feel are the proper foreign relatonships. Should we open up all of our trade in a free and Laize fair mentality; or should we place restriction upon our international commerce so that we can learn to produce our goods on a more local basis. It is a question that is important enough to put down your beer and think upon. The results of this decision are liberty or tyranny. We see it today.
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Thursday, July 3, 2008
Why America Is The Greatest Country On Earth
American history, in all of its most glorious permutations, represents the outgrowth of our founding philosophy. Only by accepting the greatness of America's founding philosophy can we hope to ensure that freedom flourishes at home and around the globe.
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2:42 AM
Labels: America, Founding Fathers, Freedom, History
The Ultimate Resource
So you're telling me that Napolean, Ghengis Khan and Jesus could have had Iphones? YES!!Walter E. Williams does it again! What a great explanation of how absurd myopic views of society can be. Such simple language. One of the best!
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1:36 AM
Labels: Free Markets, Freedom, Liberty, politics, Tyranny
Does Patriotism Matter?:By Thomas Sowell
It is critical that you think about the long-term results of your actions...or lack of action. What kind of world do you want to leave behind? Have you been duped into thinking that America sucks, or is evil? Should you seek a second opinon?
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1:21 AM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Buyer Beware!!!
The next time you are excited about some "BIG" company being sued by the little guy, or being heavily taxed by the government, don't forget that they pass all of their costs onto you.
This article describes a case which will no doubt raise the price of paint. Now, you may not be in the market for paint right now, but you are about to buy gas, food, toys etc. All of which have been, or might be the victim of some frivolous lawsuit, or government regulation, that never should have been brought in the first place.
Are there legitimate reasons to sue and regulate companies that do bad stuff? YES!!!! But not all of them. We need to get a handle on the legitimate use of the courts and the legislators.
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4:13 PM