Whenever the MSM (Main Stream Media) and the politicians want to vilify someone or something they put the word "big" in front of the name and then will tell you how you are getting fleeced by them and that they are bad, evil people who must be stopped by, of course, more regulation and interference in the free market.
I want to examine two reports that came out recently and one that didn't, but should have. Several weeks ago I wrote about Shell Oil's profits and how, when compared to their revenue, did not exhibit any signs of gouging. There is now similar moaning and gnashing of teeth about Exxon Mobil's earnings report. This is all making big news because it hurts more than ever to fill up the tank. I feel it too, I hate it and I want it to end. It is really putting me and my family in a bad financial spot.
In the 2006 fiscal year Shell oil posted net-profits of $26.311 Billion U.S. In fiscal '07 they upped it to $31.331 Billion. Exxon Mobil's dollars grew from $39.5 billion in '06 to $40.6 billion in '07, or did they? When evaluating profits it is not only critical, but the sole accurate method, to view profits in a net (after costs are removed) form and as compared to total sales, and all in the same time frame. Shell Oil grew from 8.25% profit in '06 to a whopping 8.8% profit in '07, not bad, but not really living off of the backs of the consumers either. Exxon Mobil, on the other hand, shrunk from 10.45% in '06 to a measly 10.03% in '07! Again, while larger than Shell, not exactly gauging. These are important numbers, because it is the only method used by investors when deciding where to invest their money.
Let us now turn our attention to a behemoth of a company that made more (as a percentage of gross revenue) off of the backs of the people than both of the oil companies. While me and my family are forced to go to Big Lots and Aldi just to scrape by these evil capitalists made profits of over 10% last year! Much more than Big Oil. I want Congress to act to regulate BIG SOUP!!! Campbell's Soup made 10.855% profit off of the backs of the American consumers and I want something done about it!!
-- James Madison (speech in the House of Representatives, 10 January 1794)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Oil is evil, but soup is good food
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11:34 AM
Labels: environment
Friday, February 22, 2008
Religion is right for The Left, but wrong for The Right.
Kathleen Parker is always spot on, and this article is no exception. The only way that Communists can win is by using the religious fervor of a revival.
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2:33 PM
Does Balkanization Beckon Anew?
When the Great War comes, said old Bismarck, it will come out of "some damn fool thing in the Balkans." On June 28, 1914, Gavrilo Princip shot the archduke and heir to the Austrian throne Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, setting in motion the train
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12:11 AM
Labels: politics
Saturday, February 16, 2008
In reply to "Socialism accusation old fashioned" (The Cincinnati Enquirer Feb 15): You can call it whatever you want, but when you use the force and power of government to take the property (in this case income)of one group of citizens and redistribute that property to those whom you have deemed worthy of your "kindness," the only proper term for it is socialism. Progressive is just flashy marketing.
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4:21 PM
Labels: politics
Friday, February 15, 2008
Rules, rules, rules
It is very curious, politicians who are all for the rules when they might lead to a desired outcome, but seem to conveniently forget the rules when they get in their way.
Compare Pelosi's current penchant for the letter of the law to her attitude towards it when it comes to judges and The U.S.Constitution!
Pelosi's way
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11:00 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Do you Know What you are doing?
I find time and again that people will say that they think one way, but they will behave in a completely opposite manner. They will say that they do not want to impose their views onto someone else, when by the very act of, "not getting involved," their self-removal from the hard decisions of life will have effectively slaughtered millions of innocent lives and destroyed countless otherwise strong families.
It happens time and time again, and demonstrably I am sure, more often than even I am aware (and I try to stay pretty aware!)
I am what you might call a "self-proclaimed debater." I mean that I do not shy away from the topics commonly avoided at your dinner table. If you invited me to dinner, or I you, I will not only eagerly engage in conversations about politics, abortion and religion, but I will do everything in my power to mold the conversation to that direction. I do this, not because I have some morbid proclivity towards dissention, conflict or the destruction of otherwise happy relationships, but rather, I have a passionate regard for truth. I care more for exposing the truth than if you like me or not; I would prefer that you like me, but not at Truth's expense. I do not mean to suggest that this is "my truth" either. The truth does not have the luxury of relativism, it either is, or it is not. Two plus two will always equal four; this is truth.
Some would say that I might gain more ground if I were not so aggressive in my pursuit of that very elusive lady; they may have a point. Most people simply accept what they hear the most or for the longest time, rather than face the hard decisions that may come from the acknowledgement of a truth newly discovered. It takes more time than most are willing to spend and their current position on a "touchy subject," while unbeknownst to them is false, is comfortable. It also makes them feel like a nice person.
I am not generally opposed to ones desire to be nice, or for their search for peace (inner or outer), but Justice has always ridden on a horse named War. This could be a war of words at the dinner table, a litigious battle before a judge or one like WWII or the current one on Terror. I personally prefer the first option. More lives have been saved by the pursuit of truth than the comfortable pleasure of a lie. It is critical for our survival as a "somewhat civilized" society that we not shy away from the pursuit of truth no matter how uneasy it makes us feel, who may not like us, or if our poll numbers should drop as a consequence.
The true definition of peace, after all, is not the absence of conflict, but the result of a defeated enemy, be that enemy an idea or a person.
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7:25 AM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
The Shell truth and nothing but the truth
So I looked up the particulars of Shell oil's profits last night, took me all of 5min, the link is below. If you look at the balance sheet you can determine not only their profit for the whole of last year ($31,331,000,000.00US), but also all of the other financials of the company. Several things here; first when determining the value of any particular fact it is always important to ask yourself, "compared to what?" In other words realize the truth that things do not happen in a vacuum, but rather in a contextual relationship with their surroundings. In the case of profits, they are always, by any business person worth their salt, compared to the revenue created by the company's actions. In Shell Oil's case, they had total revenues in 2007 of ($355,782,000,000US). This means that their total profit margin for fiscal 2007 was 8.8%, by no means or any standard does this illustrate gauging.
Never forget, a politician does not want to help you ... they want your vote.
Shell by the #'s
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10:22 AM
Labels: politics